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Art is a reflection and expression of ones inner self, it's a set of skill that comes out from what one sees, feels and believes. Contemporary art is a visual treat. Each time you see it, you will explore something new, it invokes a series of soul stirring questions with hidden answers.
Get the journey of your life immortalized on canvas by nab_arts_studio with our signature style paintings.
This book is a rare Yin-Yang combination of food guide and guidelines for a Vedic Living & India's sacred science.
This book is a unique collection of most popular food for tummy & food for thoughts under one cover.
The first part of the book is a collection of master recipes to cook daily simple, tasty and healthy vegetarian meals for all including age groups 40 and 60 plus.
A Flavour party in your mouth.
Honey infused dryfruit chikki jars.
Our star product & a best seller.
Finger licking delicious desserts for daily nutrition & a perfect Gift for all occasions. Nimisha Bhansali
what inspires her..
Nimisha Bhansali is a Contemporary Artist, Interior decorator, Author of the book on Vedic living and India’s sacred science - Master recepies by Nimisha Bhansali
Her intuitive paintings contain efficacious social awareness and a very deep intellectual messages, her signature style of paintings offers to cover your life story in to an unique art form.
In her words.. MY ART IS MY MESSAGE